Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Whenever I am walking and notice my shadow, this thought captures my mind: I wish I looked like my shadow. My shadow is longer and leaner than I. The little details that I don't like about myself go unnoticed. All I can see is my hourglass shape with my waist-length hair blowing in the wind. Maybe, deep down, those are the only things I really like about my physical appearance. My legs are short. My stomach likes to come out and say hello more than I would like it to. My thighs are wide and my arms are flabby. But in my shadow, none of that is shown. Only the frame of my being is seen. Girls have an amazing ability to only see the flaws within themselves. Pretty much every waking moment we are aware of how we look and how we wish we could look. I do think that society has an impact on that thinking, but we shouldn't sell ourselves so short! Wouldn't it be nice if people just didn't automatically assume that society, and the media, effect us in such a dramatic way? Maybe we have an ability to think for ourselves that we didn't even know we had. Yes that would mean that we are the ones telling ourselves that we aren't pretty enough. But that also means that we can be the ones to change that thinking! We can be the ones to tell ourselves that we are beautiful in our own unique way. Yes my legs are short, but I have a lot of muscle for running and riding horses! My stomach is a little outgoing, but I have a defined waist! My thighs are wide but I have nice womanly hips to match! My arm flab is great for keeping me warm...Okay so maybe there is nothing good about flabby arms unless you are living in the arctic. My eyes are really big and green so maybe people will notice them before noticing my arms. My point is that there are beautiful things about every girl, and unique personalities to boot! Some might say that it is the inside that counts the most, which would be true if we lived in Magical Fairy Unicorn Kingdom. Sadly, Magical Fairy Unicorn Kingdom hasn't been discovered (or else I would SO be living there!) and we are stuck in a world where looks mean more than a kind heart to a lot of people. People that will tear you down. The important thing is to look at your shadow, the good things about yourself, and build yourself up so high that there will be no person tall enough to knock you down. 

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